Ear oil is used for general ear hygiene. Dissolves hardened wax, dirt and scales from the auricle and external ear canal. Medical assistance risk class I.
Mode of use
To clean the ears, put a few drops of ear oil on a cotton swab and wipe it several times to remove ear oil and dirt. Then wash them with a damp towel and dry them so the wax drains away! put the cotton gently, never put it in the ear canal! After 10 minutes of exposure, which is best spent lying down, rinse the ears with warm water or, even better, a shower. If the ointment is very hardened, I recommend repeating the process, CERUSTOP burning oil can also be used as a medical rinse for the ears.
Warnings: - if you are hypersensitive (allergic) to any substance contained in the preparation - with an inflamed external auditory canal and a perforated eardrum (a hole in the eardrum).
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